Made by S3B -
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CS_17B_ASSAULT by S3B is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.
Based on a work at (Link).
Permissions beyond the scope of this license may be available at (Link).
Un remake de cs_assault, remis à jour avec de nouvelles textures, l' ajout de models et aussi un 'léger' travail sur le gameplay, le design et l'optimisation. Au final, la map fonctionne à moins de 1200Wpolys avec les bots ... So, Enjoy & Add comment
i like the texture but its plain the old assault
Very nice!
Thx ^^
i don`t like the buildings (blocks)
they have too small windows and they look silly...(strech these textures a little)
and the rest?
hmmm....the rest is...
Nice 'door' you get in the longer side of building xD It looks like a normal door, 'make' damage noise as breakable object but doesn't work and doesn't break xD